Your Guide to the AWAKENING PRANA
Energy Healing School
Taught on Zoom and for those local, 1 x a month in-person in Rhinebeck, NY
If you are already a healer, aren’t sure if you want to be a healer, or are new to the entire subject of vibrational healing, you will find something to learn about the HeartMind Energy Healing School in this Guide.
Taught by Annie Bond
-Annie Bond, Founder & Teacher: My story
-Become a Healer, a Shaman?
-Overview of HeartMind Healer Training
-1st Weekend: Light Body, Intuition, Protocols
-2nd Wkd: Chakras; Distance Healing; Color
-3rd Wkd: Sound Healing, Cutting Cords; Meet Your Master Spirit Guide
-4th Wkd: Polarity, Male/Female balancing, Healing parental wounds; Sacred Elements
-5th Wkd: Crystals, Grids, Crystal Essences; Soul Retrievals
-6th Wkd: The Divine Mother Protocol/Meeting Souls; Akasha; Graduation
-May the Circle be Unbroken
Note that this Guide was written before it was also taught on Zoom. Having a hybrid school – on Zoom and those local in person – unanchored everone, so we will continue teaching on Zoom to accommodate those far afield, and those local will meet 1x a month in person.
Shiva shells; spirals are symbolic of the sacred Element Ether.
It was a yearning that brought me to energy healing and to take an energy healing school. A call to myself. A call to Circle. A call of outreach to others. I had gone off-center and needed to find my way back. The concept of the wounded healer was new to me, but I was surely it.
Healing with vibration interested me, and I had become a Reiki Master, although that modality didn’t fully resonate. I had crystals on most windowsills, and even in bed with me. I was drawn to “energy” enough that I decided to commit to a course to become a healer.
Early in my healing training I was guided through a prana – embodying meditation during which tears streamed down my face unbidden as I at long last re-connected to my heart. The energy of unconditional love washed over me and I re-centered.
So began a spiritual healing practice that for me has become a path to wholeness and a career as a healer and a teacher. First and foremost I learned that feeling compassion for myself was my starting point.
I studied for more than a decade while I kept my other career going as a green living author and editor. The more balanced I became the more propelled forward I was to become a clearer and clearer channel for healing others. Emptying out my trauma to become a vehicle of light.
This picture of me was taken of me by my daughter at Angkor Wat, Cambodia, on 11/11/11 11:11
The Divine Mother Modality
For a full biography of Annie see:
Bald Eagle feathers; symbolizing Spirit and the sacred Element Air.
From Healee to Energy Healer – Spiritual Healing
Many of us embark on the healing quest because our heart is broken. We are yearning to be whole.
In a sense it is the call of the wild. A returning home to who we were before our traumas and heartbreak. Sensing the form of our true nature and wanting to step into that at long last.
It is a spiraling in.
Finding the deep-seated trauma and wrestling it out of ourselves with honor and respect, giving voice to our tears and having compassion for them, and ourselves, this is the journey and the joy.
In this process we find our heart-mind, that sense of soul purpose and engagement with our true purpose, our completeness, our happiness, and expansion into the embodiment of our most exalted, our most true, and our most abundant selves.
When we heal ourselves we can heal others.
The urge to reach out to heal others comes naturally with your own healing and can take many forms. Some – and likely you, since you are reading this – are intuitively drawn to help clear the light and energy body of others via the vibrations of hands-on-touch, sound, color, crystals, tuning forks, and more. An energy healing school might be for you!
Deciding to Join the Heartmind Healing School Circle
Each new group of the HeartMind energy healing school gathers in the ethers before a new school group is formalized. From beginners to advanced healers, to having tangential careers, to being seekers, people sign up. Through whatever mysterious way it happens. The Circle always feels perfect, and friendships are forged that last a lifetime. What is universal is that each Circle carries a blend of excitement, yearning, and self-doubt.
People frequently say to me that they don’t have the healing gift. My experience is that this is only because they don’t have the tools for turning on their own vehicle of light, their energy body. Opening up these channels will open this “gift.”
We all have worries that can get the upper hand in the process of deciding whether to step into energy healing training, especially feelings of fear. Some are worried that they are beginners, others, that they already practice a healing modality. If someone already does Reiki, for example, they may be anxious about change. Often we put up unconscious barriers to new experiences that challenge our beliefs. It is part of the territory.
If you choose the path of this energy healing school training, you will integrate the teachings, and feel the grace of the Light Body, which changes everything.
Tune in for yourself.
A river; the Sacred Element Water.
True healing belongs to the power of the soul. – Caroline Myss
A version of a mystery school, shamanic training, and lessons in the science of energy medicine: the energy healing school is a rigorous energy healing training that is very experiential.
10 Areas of Focus
Heal Yourself : Your own personal growth and spiritual healing.
Focus: Clearing out trauma and pain to be a clearer channel. Many guided exercises for healing and clearing chakras and supporting the flow of the light body. The training is very experiential. Personalized intuition development; mentoring with Annie. Hands-on healing every weekend with other members of group on massage tables.
Our most potent Medicine is the truth of who we are.
– Joseph Jastrab
Become – and help others become – a Vehicle of Light
Focus: Learn the Energy Body – Torus, chakras (we study one a month), pranic tube, energy fields, shushuma, ida/pingala, sacred heart, high heart, hara, meridians, etc.
Learning about prana, chi, energy, resonance.
Focus: Light, color, sound, energy, Elements, kundalini, love, yin/yang
Tapping into Your Intuition
Focus on the clairs:
* Clairaudient: “Hears”
* Clairsentient: “Feels”
* Clairvoyant: “Sees”
* Claircognizant: “Knows”
Healing Techniques in the Energy Healing School
Focus: Trauma/PTSD, cutting cords, distance healing, shamanic methods (animal ally’s, etc.), past-lives, soul retrievals, rips and tears, thought forms
Focus: One weekend each on sound and crystal healing.
Singing bowls, drums, rattles, tuning forks, voice, crystals, pendulum, smudge, feathers. Below are pictures of some of my healing tools, including my 6″ quartz sphere that I use for distance healings because it is such an incredible amplifier.
HeartMind Healer Modality, Divine Mother Modality, The Trinity Activations
Focus in the energy healing school:
* HeartMind: Chakra based energy system of personal identity
* Divine Mother Modality – The Light Body: Soul, consciousness; torus based energy system of the soul identity
* The Trinity Activations – yin/yang – healing the inner parents
The Divine Mother healing protocol that I have developed after a few decades of healing experience is covered. It focuses on the soul giving the healing and dovetails with healing modalities from all over the world that have looked to balancing the male and female/yin and yang energies as the greatest healing modality of all. This energy alchemy has the most healing effect of any I have ever seen. The results are dramatic in helping you and your clients embody your/their true nature.
See more: Weekend 2, below
You, as Healer
Focus: Being in the “circuit,” hands-on, heart coherence, protocols
Focus: Sharing, supporting, listening, being heard. We share in ceremony, meditation, healings, a sacred site visit
The teaching room at Annie’s
Circle Altar ready for a water-healing ceremony.
A photo of my great-grandfather Dixon’s, author of The Vanishing Race
The Source of Healing Energy
We healers are not the doers. Exploring source as God, soul, Creator, Higher Self.
Wanka Tanka (Great Spirit), teach me how to trust my heart, my mind, my intuition, my inner knowing, the senses of my body, the blessings of my spirit. Teach me to trust these things so that I may enter my Sacred Space and love beyond my fear, and thus Walk in Balance with the passing of each glorious Sun. – Lakota Prayer
Why do I call this the HeartMind Energy Healing School? Read here for my reason.
- Here is a simple one-page overview including that this is a six month school, one weekend a month. 90 hours of teaching.
- Syllabus
- Testimonials
Certifications: HeartMind Healer; Divine Mother Healer
Fields of lavender, symbolic of the sacred Element Earth.
The First Weekend Focus: The light body, intuition, prana, protocols, protections
And so we gather.
Together, we ask the Divine Mother –the energy of all that is manifest– to open a healing vortex for us. We open this at the beginning of each weekend, and close it at the end. I rattle, use my singing bowl, tone, and call in the sacred Elements. The first Circle time includes this Ceremony and a deep, introductory sharing. We begin to learn about each other, our hopes and dreams, our joys and sorrows. We begin to be encircled in each other’s compassion.
The HeartMind Healer School manual will have your name on it, is 2” thick, and has 10 chapters.
The format of the first weekend is typical of all.
We cover one chakra a month, except two on the sixth weekend. We connect to the music of that chakra, and learn about how this vortex of energy affects our lives, and when there is need for a chakra healing.
Each weekend has a different theme. In the first weekend I provide the protocol to be used every time you are going to embark on any healing.
An important part of the first weekend is the discussion about who gives the healing? You? God? Your Higher Self? The other’s soul? We learn about heart-mind and the sacred Circuit for the healer to employ to stay out of the way so that we ‘aren’t the doer’ in a healing.
Connecting to the Circuit
The greatest challenge as an energy healer is that all the programming of our personalities and dualistic nature can assert itself at any time. When that happens, it takes all the training one has to step out of the way, to connect instead to what I call The Circuit – our highest self, the Creator and the client’s soul. It is why rigorous training is so important, and also why rigorous spiritual growth to expand our consciousness, is also so key. Given that the dividing line is so fragile, it is why I focus on my healer’s being in The Circuit at all times and why as a healer, I will always be humble.
If we lose confidence in ourselves it is almost always because we are in our personalities and not our highest self. Once we return to our more essential nature – by grounding, by techniques that raise our vibration – we realize that when we give healings we are doing it from this higher platform. Of course we are insecure in our personalities by comparison!
Over this first weekend we move into a broad understanding of the energy body, the light body. During table time, when we pair up, we will be practicing running energy, scanning the energy body, color healing, cutting cords, meeting each other on a soul level, and self-protection. I give a demonstration before these experiences.
Circuit of Light
Your hands can turn very hot when you “run” light in hands-on energy healing. Like a furnace. Sometimes your hands are very cold. You yourself feel like a conduit in a circuit of light—what I call The Circuit– as you channel the flow of light from the stars and beyond, through you, to the person on the massage table. You become one with the flow of your energy body.
Exploring and enhancing your intuition is another focus of each weekend. In this first weekend I give an overview, and then break out clairsentience, clairaudience, clairvoyance, and clairsentience in specific during other weekends.
In our meditations we explore the fifth dimension and messages from our hearts.
The school takes place at my home, and I live in a retreat setting at the end of a dirt road and have two dogs, Isis and Raja.
I tell people in the first weekend that a main goal of mine is to teach you to heal from the light, not your wounds. It is also to help you find your own personal signature.
Cymatics is the visual representation of sound, usually as sacred geometry; symbolic of the sacred Element Ether.
The Second Weekend Focus: Sound healing
By this time we are really connecting, often rooming together in AirBnb’s and joining together at restaurants for dinner. We have a potluck lunch at my house, and my country kitchen table becomes a place for stories and lovingly made food.
I especially love teaching the second weekend, as this is our sound healing weekend. I find that nothing drops a person into their heart-mind and out of their heads –into The Circuit – as much as sound. We work with voice, singing bowls, mantra and toning, crystals, rattles, tuning forks, drums….. all to clear stuck energy.
Working with sound is also a deep teacher to help you pay attention and tune into the person on the table more than your own self. For example, you may feel like beating a drum, but that instrument might not be what is needed for a person with a fragile chakra.
The energy body focus of this weekend is on the pranic tube and the torus. In ceremony we learn the Six/Seven Directions and then The Forgiveness Prayer as a healing modality. It becomes clearer and clearer to attendees that spiritual healing and personal growth are big parts of the experience, and I have many exercises to facilitate this growth. I begin to include information about the alchemy of self-love.
The intuitive “clair” focused on is clairsentience, feeling.
Homework for the school is very focused on building intuitive strength and is designed as such. I urge people to do the exercises I have shared in a special “homework” folder for 10 minutes a day.
The sacred Element Fire.
The Third Weekend Focus: Master Spirit Guides, Animal Allies, Distance Healing, Auric Rips & Tears
The theme of this weekend is meeting our Master Spirit Guide and exploring and adding in an expansive list of techniques and tools to use in healings.
People are gaining more confidence in themselves at this point and the sharing expands into deeper inquiries of spiritual growth and healing. Most are able to be in The Circuit and maintain themselves there for most of a healing. Over the time everyone has worked with each other on the massage tables and a trust and intimacy of understanding has emerged. They’ve found PTSD in each other, and other trauma held in chakras. Self-healing is becoming a mainstay of their lives as they uncover personal roadblocks to growth.
The technique box is quite full, including distance healing for self and others. Soul-retrievals are discussed, as is meeting animal ally’s, working with etheric Beings, and repairing the energy body from rips and tears.
You can see how these techniques manifest in healings by reading my Diary of a Healer blog at (see Appendix 1 for a list of blog topics).
The intuitive “clair” focused on is clairvoyance, seeing.
Omega Institute has a vortex hidden in the woods, and it is four miles from my house. We carpool our way there and each member invites in and meets their Master Spirit Guide. Because I am local I have long been aware of this vortex in the woods, a stone circle outcropping, that has a very high vibration. Doing the Master Spirit Guide Ceremony is so effective there because it is easier to get clear messages in such a spiral of light. (Note that we have a powerful version of this on Zoom as well, where we go into a 5th Dimensional meditation in your own crystal pyramid of light.)
This photo is taken inside the Circle looking out . Notice the tree gateway.
We tromp the 1 ½ miles or so into the woods and after toning to the Guardians of the Circle for permission to enter, we go in and sit on the circle of stones. The vibration gets higher as we tone there, and connect to the sacred Elements. When I feel it is time, I ask each to invite their Master Spirit Guide to come to them. One has always come for each. Sometimes people hear the name loud and clear. Sometimes I can assist, as I see the Being standing behind them. Always, a journey of discovery begins, and one that can last a lifetime.
Swan feathers; symbolic of the sacred Element Air.
The Fourth Weekend Focus: The Divine Mother Modality, The Trinity Activations, Past Life Healings
The intuitive “clair” focused on is clairaudience, hearing.
Ceremonies include Pyramid of Light, Meditation to Meet Your Soul, Column of Light, Smudging, and the Sacred Elements.
The Divine Mother Modality
I have a personal modality that has ‘come in’ for me called The Divine Mother Modality, looking to the soul (Divine Mother Infinite Soul) and Higher Self of the person to give the healing. This experience has been one of the great joys of my life.
Each of us has a soul signature. There are no two souls that are alike, just like for snowflakes. Each has a unique value in the Universe. All are true, and there is no hierarchy of one being better than another. Spending time to perceive this signature is one of the great gifts you can give a client.
Our souls want nothing more than to fill us with love. The Divine Mother Modality is an intervention, in a sense, to correct the disconnect from our souls, and heal. We are then washed with unconditional love and begin to integrate more and more into our light body.
As a healer, there is a great relief in giving the healing to the person’s soul to facilitate. You can really relax as you are truly not in charge. More like being a sous chef.
The Divine Mother Modality’s Trinity Activations Technique
A key part of the modality are The Trinity Activations. It dovetails with healing modalities from all over the world that have looked to balancing the male and female/yin and yang energies as the greatest healing modality of all. The alchemy of this combined energy has the most healing effect of any I have ever seen, and the results can be dramatic in helping you and your clients embody your/their true nature.
Is there anyone who wasn’t born to unhealed mothers and unhealed fathers, and became an unhealed child? Some clients have gaping mother or father wounds resulting in a bottomless empty well that needs to be filled. Others need just a small amount. All strengthen as a result of the inflow of unconditional love that they didn’t receive enough of. The internal balance of yin and yang is a wonderful healing result as well, one heralded in many holistic health modalities.
The Trinity Activations fill the depletion with their soul’s divine male or divine feminine love. Once balanced, an alchemy happens, and they are able to birth into their more authentic self. If you think of a seed, it needs enough Father sun, water, Mother Earth, air and ether to sprout and grow. If it doesn’t have enough of these it is depleted, stunted, or doesn’t even sprout. Once these elements are provided, the seed pops up and quickly sends up green shoots.
There are so many rich nuances to this offering that I spend a fair amount of demonstration time. You’ll receive a special booklet with just this modality, for easy access, and to set it apart into its own category of healing technique. Our table time is a way for you to claim this technique as your own.
The sun, the sacred Element Fire.
The Fifth Weekend Focus: Energy Body, Kundalini, Soul Retrieval, PTSD
By now many in the group have clients they are working with, or they are weaving what they have learned into their practices. Others may take a year or two to integrate all they are learning and then emerge to become powerful healers.
The theme for the fifth weekend is the energy body—from the chakra system to the torus, from the nadis to the shushuma, from the hara to the pranic tube
In meditation there is spiritual growth work with the nadis’ Ida and Pingala, and kundalini. This session on Sunday morning is very powerful as a personal healing tool. We explore spiritual healing and consciousness.
In many ways, spiritual healing is mechanical. Just as we have veins in our body, so we have channels where energy flows, and it is often the search for self that leads us to these spiritual realms because we have an intuitive understanding that it is in this energy system that we are cradled. As healers, here is where we find our entry point.
Reclaiming Wellbeing
One of the reasons – if not the reason—meditation is so rejuvenating is that it helps us meld into an existing spiritual energy system that is designed for our wellbeing. It is the heavy energy of trauma and stress that normally separates us from this vibrancy. This, along with a culture that hasn’t included working with this energy system to clear out our traumas and give us support, has kept us as separate selves.
Healers work in this same energy system, helping to remove emotional blockages and increase the flow of healing energy, of prana, or chi. Yoga, tai chi, qi gong, and other spiritual practices work with this as well. All of these provide degrees of spiritual healing by working with the energy system. Just as our body has signals when it is hot or cold so we can adapt, so we have an energy system that can heal, bring calm, peace, and insight.
We work with a very specific and inclusive energy body chart to determine what aspects of it are needed for any one client at any one time. You’ll use The Trinity Activations to bring healing to the places that need healing.
The intuitive “clair” focused on is claircognizance, the knowing.
It is also a weekend of deep integration of all the modalities learned, and table time is guided to find what resonates with you the most. I increasingly begin to mentor each person to find their “true north,” their unique healing gifts.
Dew on a leaf, thank you sacred Element Water
The Sixth Weekend Focus: Ceremony, Akashic records, the sacred elements, unique gifts
To simplify healing down to its essence, consider that we have two bodies, our energy body and our physical body. Our energy body is infused with the light of our consciousness. It is also a record keeper and holds all the traumas we have experienced in this and other lifetimes. If the traumas aren’t cleared, they eventually block flow and manifest in our physicality, be it in our bodies or life. This can manifest as illness, challenges to our skeletal system, a pattern of behavior, neurotic suffering.
It is in consciousness where we store things, and the healing comes from the soul. If what we store isn’t healed it manifests in the body. This school is about learning the points of access to what we have stored and transmuting it with the soul’s light.
We focus a lot on the soul’s journey on this weekend. In the Akashic Records—the record keeper of all that is about any one of us—in meditation, finding and tapping into the soul energy of a client. A technique we use helps resolve past lives.
The Alchemy of Self-Love
A number of years ago I was on an airplane and talked with the fellow who was seated next to me. He had experienced an unbelievable amount of trauma in his life yet I had rarely seen such a radiant person. I have often marveled, how did he remain so clear? Some people are naturally much more able than others to clear themselves of trauma. “Naturally” is key as they don’t know how they do it.
Over many healings, I have seen how often the need for self-love emerges in my clients. I’ve had the insight that those who are very good at naturally clearing their energy body do so because they feel a lot of self-love. Not ego, but self-love, a real love of who they are.
With a sense of awe about the wisdom of this, I am noticing that self-love engenders a highly beneficial alchemy that enhances the flow of healing prana to clear the energy body.
It is my sincerest wish that my students of the HeartMind Energy Healer School can leave this course with more self-love, more compassion for themselves, and more respect for their own energy signature so that they can find their own unique purpose for being on the planet.
In our closing ceremony of the HeartMind Energy Healer School I give each a Medicine Shield and Medicine Name, plus certificates of completion for The HeartMind Healer School as well as The Divine Mother Modality.
With tears and joy we say goodbye. It has been an honor to behold these beautiful Beings becomes vehicles of light.
Basket made of ash, symbolic of sacred Element Earth.
-Aho Mitakuye Oyasin
Founder and Teacher, Annie Bond
I have had two big reinventions in my life, at least in terms of career. For those of you who know astrology, my two Saturn returns — one in my late 20’s and the other in my late 50’s — were quite brutal and both resulted in a quest for healing. I needed to spiral in and re-locate my true north. For the first I found writing about the chemical toxicity in our environment a silver lining in an otherwise traumatizing toxic exposure. My first book, Clean & Green, is now having its 30th anniversary! The book title was the first time those two words had been put together with a meaning of their own.
For the second, I found myself on the path of vibrational energy healing. Anyone who is as sick as I was push the envelope to find improved health, and Western medicine didn’t help. On the way there I found spiritual healing and a pathway to my heart. I became a healer, and then a teacher of an energy healer school, both a great joy.
My two careers as a healer and an author and editor of green living topics meet for healing the inner and outer environment.
My altar.
My Healing Practice: The Divine Mother Modality & The Trinity Activations
My Healer Bio, including training
My writer’s bio: Award-winning and Best-selling Green Living Author Bio . This bio tells the story of what could be called a shamanistic death, and yes, it almost took me out.
Current blog, Diary of a Healer
Diary of a Healer offers the stories of people’s lives as seen from the perspective of a clairvoyant healer who works with the energy body and its vibrant, ever-changing patterns. Each entry will be actual accounts of healing and will provide a glossary of esoteric language. Names are changed to protect people’s privacy.
Links to the blogs (or just go here).
— Self-Doubt is Like a Hydra
— Craving Alcohol a Craving for a Healing
— Servant or Warrior at Work? Third chakra healing.
— Healing the Inner Parents
— Rips and Tears in Your Energy Field?
— Old Programs Running Your Life
— Inner Conflicts that Trigger
— Choosing Bad Boys to Heal Past Lives
— How a Soul Retrieval Healed Panic Attacks
— Cutting the Cords that Bind You
I’ve recently started a crystal layouts kits business, with people in the middle for healing, with healer Sharon Johnston. You can see our kits on
This Guide to the HeartMind Healer School was written by Annie Bond, copyright 2019. To contact Annie write anniebbond (at) gmail (dot) com (note the two b’s). Landline: 845 – 876 – 4252; Cell: 845 – 943 – 8880.


