Cradled by Your Energy Body
- At February 05, 2020
- By Annie Bond
- In Diary of a Healer, Healing, School, Uncategorized
Diary of a Healer #15, by Annie Bond
My own healing practice has evolved because of my clairvoyant experiences. One observation has led to the next. Now, after a few decades, I’ve learned to prioritize strengthening the flow of an energy system most don’t know about, the torus.
The torus cradles us in an energy system of unimaginable light and love, that of our soul, of our consciousness, of the Creator. Clearing of the chakras follows naturally after strengthening their synthesis with the torus, as it is this light of the torus that clears them. The stronger our connection to our torus becomes, the more cradled we become, the more of this light we receive, and the more in flow with our lives.
Read More»Learn the Lesson of a Chronic Illness
- At November 17, 2019
- By Annie Bond
- In Diary of a Healer, Healing, School, Uncategorized
Diary of a Healer #13, by Annie Bond
As my students know, I explore new healing techniques on myself before integrating them into my practice. Such was the case with a breakthrough I had last week. In the attempt to learn the lesson of a chronic illness I also had a powerful insight about the Law of Attraction.
Being a homing signal for ticks, I have struggled with tick-borne disease for 23 years, ever since the first ticks came onto my land and I succumbed to my first bulls-eye rash. Gratefully, while I have been bit an appalling number of times (I counted 22 bites one year), I have found alternative homeopathic treatments calibrated on Biomeridian/Rife/Zyto – type machines that work for the diseases. Mostly. I still struggle especially with babesiosis, the red blood cell parasite. A very depressing illness because one becomes so very tired.
Read More»Self-Doubt is Like a Hydra
- At July 21, 2019
- By Annie Bond
- In Diary of a Healer, Healing, School
Self-doubt is like an internalized hydra – that mythological 10-headed serpentine water monster – and each head of the hydra has a different opinion.
There is self-doubt and then there is self-doubt. Self-doubt on overdrive is when making even a moderately important decision turns into a cacophony…in one’s head. One is at the mercy of conflicting thoughts.
“Cacophony” means a mixture of harsh and discordant sounds, and that about sums it up. If not this, what about that? If not that, what about the other? And if not the other, then what about this? Or that? Or none?
This kind of thinking is a bit different from what I call hamster-wheel thinking, or going round and round incessantly about a topic, but they are related. Hamster-wheel thinking is more obsessive and tracks endlessly around issues of relationship.
Read More»Craving Alcohol a Craving for Healing
- At July 07, 2019
- By Annie Bond
- In Diary of a Healer, Healing, School
Diary of a Healer #9, by Annie Bond
“I have to have it – every day,” noted a client who wants to stop alcohol. She has a few glasses of wine every night, and while she generally doesn’t have more than that, feels dependent.
“When I start drinking I can’t stop,” noted another, a social binge drinker.
“I drank like a fish and have been sober for five years; I get addicted to everything” said another.
All three are professional women with husbands and children, and are haunted by their alcohol use.
Read More»Servant or Warrior at Work?
- At June 24, 2019
- By Annie Bond
- In Diary of a Healer, Healing, School
The ego is a tough taskmaster, an operating system all its own. We are born to its travails at home, in school, with friends, at work. It is part of being human and always will be. Managing this system is part of everyone’s spiritual growth and also part of our individuation from family and the collective. Are we a servant or warrior at work?
This is the difficult terrain of the third chakra.
Maria is a client who is a digital media crackerjack. She is magnificently capable. She is in the midst of a deal breaker crisis at work –underpaid for her role, being paid less than men in her position, with a job title that doesn’t reflect her high level contributions – while a workhorse with a lot of responsibility, for a company whose mission she cares about. Exhausted and despondent, she was at the end of her tether.
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