- At February 01, 2019
- By Annie Bond
- In Healing, Meditation, School
The more I am emptied, the more I am Spirit.
I remember when I started self-healing techniques, I began to learn about the chakras and their colors. I would stand out on the front porch every day at some point, and imagine red bathing my first chakra, then orange my second, yellow my third, the new green in my heart, sky blue in my throat, indigo in my 3rd eye, and then violet at my crown.
Read More»The Value of Self-Love
- At December 16, 2018
- By Annie Bond
- In Healing, Meditation, School
To simplify healing down to its essence, consider that we have two bodies, our energy body and our physical body. Our energy body is infused with the light of our consciousness. It is also a record keeper and holds all the traumas we have experienced in this and other lifetimes. If the traumas aren’t cleared, they eventually block flow and manifest in our physicality, be it in our bodies or life. This can manifest as illness, challenges to our skeletal system, a pattern of behavior, neurotic suffering.
Read More»Heal and Recharge Through Your Energy Body
- At October 01, 2018
- By Annie Bond
- In Healing, Meditation, School
The Science of Energy Medicine
One of the reasons – if not the reason—meditation is so rejuvenating is that it helps us sink into an existing spiritual energy system that is designed for our wellbeing. It is the heavy energy of trauma and stress that normally separates us from this vibrancy. We also grapple with a culture that hasn’t included working with this energy system in our upbringing, to help clear it out.
Healers work in this same energy system. They help to remove emotional blockages and increase the flow of healing energy, of prana, or chi. Yoga, tai chi, qi gong, and other spiritual practices work with this as well. All of these provide degrees of spiritual healing by working with the energy system.
Read More»Learn Self-Healing
- At September 09, 2018
- By Annie Bond
- In Healing, Meditation, School
Clearing the “Wolf Trails of the Mind”
We can clean our energy bodies just as we can our physical bodies. We just need the toolkit to learn how.
Clean as a whistle. Asking for help from our own divine nature is a large part of it.
I can testify to this as I am making real progress! As my students know, not a day goes by when I don’t work on my energy body in some manner or form. Asking for help. Reducing my own stress and anxiety. Inching towards wholeness.
Read More»The Divine Mother Work
- At August 24, 2018
- By Annie Bond
- In Healing, School
If you think of a seed, it needs enough sun, water, air and earth to sprout and grow. If it doesn’t have enough of these it is depleted, stunted, or doesn’t even sprout. Once these elements are provided, the seed pops up and quickly sends up green shoots.
I see similar wonders as clients receive the very tender and laser focused unconditional love from their own soul, specifically its healed divine mother and healed divine father aspects. Once their needs are quenched, they then birth into their own divine child, their truly authentic self.
Inflow of Unconditional Love
Some clients have gaping mother or father wounds resulting in a bottomless empty well that needs to be filled with their soul’s love. Others need just a small amount. All strengthen as a result of the inflow of unconditional love that they didn’t receive enough of. The internal balance of yin and yang is a wonderful healing result as well, one heralded in many holistic health modalities.
Over and over I meet the checked out, shut down inner child in my clients. The client’s childhood homes didn’t support their staying connected to their soul and Higher Self. The sensitive, intuitive girl had to give over to a stronger brother; the creative, insightful boy to his micromanaging mother. We all have different scenarios in our early childhood that worked to disconnect us to our own inner source of unconditional love.
The Trinity Activations
Our souls want nothing more than to fill us with love. The Divine Mother work I do offers an intervention, in a sense, to correct the disconnect, so that we can be infused with our soul and Higher Self energy, to heal. This is accomplished through what I call Trinity Activations. These bring in the healed mother and healed father, as needed in every chakra, to help birth in the healed child, your authentic self.
I’ve now given hundreds of Trinity Activations. The beautiful, if not astonishing, experience, is that the activations hold. Once this unconditional love is re-introduced, it doesn’t leave. Sometimes the healing is breathtaking in how profoundly it rejuvenates.
There has been much nuance in the modality since I have been working with it. A client might be very, very resistant to their divine mother, for instance, even if they only need a little bit. Once that resistance is dissolved their life turns around. The energy body expects the controlling birth mother’s energy (or the cruel female teacher from second grade), for example. It takes awhile for their system to allow the healed mother energy to come in and dissolve that.
Finding Wholeness
All the needs that are filled in the Trinity Activations tell a story, and that story is the songline of the clients journey through this and other lifetimes. A key to unpacking some of the suffering, a key to finding wholeness.
The Trinity Activation process is in no way designed to dishonor the parents or caregivers. In fact, I think the suffering caused by these relationships is a part of agreeing to incarnate onto the planet. Deep and powerful lessons are learned as a result.
The Divine Mother healings go on to bring this same yin/yang balance to the energy body. When the torus, especially, is filled with missing healed father or mother energy, a person’s life stabilizes and boundaries hold.
Sometimes a person needs the healing in their hara. Sometimes the torus. At other times their emotional body, sometimes their High Heart. My goal is to help a person birth into their own divine self and this modality offers a path.
It has been one of the gifts of my life to bring this modality to myself, my family, my clients, and my students. It is full of grace and brings beautiful renewal for all.
By Annie Bond, founder of The Divine Mother Modality and the HeartMind Healing School