The Trinity Activations and Scans
- At February 12, 2017
- By Annie Bond
- In Healing
The Divine Mother
Divine Mother healings are based on energy healing techniques but go further, to incorporate a person’s own master healer, their Soul. Calling this energy of the person their “Divine Mother,” I work with sound and energy, while always at the direction of their Soul. I have identified the Divine Mother this way because of how the energy feels. The experience of love, deep understanding and nurturance from one’s soul is profound.
It is a thrill to introduce The Trinity Activations, a technique that evolved from the context of this work. Powerful and alchemical transformation from the person’s Divine Mother, Divine Father, and Divine Child are the result.
Read More»Space Clearing. What is it and Why is it Important?
- At January 20, 2017
- By Annie Bond
- In Space Clearing
Land is a record keeper. It faithfully records all the vibrations, frequencies, and imprints of whatever has occurred upon it. The land on which a building rests has its history recorded in every rock, canyon and brook. Buildings are record keepers in much the same way. The vibrations of the human energies and activities in the building, and in the making of the building, will be held in the space energetically.
Many vibrations found in the land and in a building are very beneficial. Others are imbalanced, disharmonious and distorted.
Read More»About Chakra Workshops
- At January 16, 2017
- By Annie Bond
- In Uncategorized
I first began to understand that we hold energy in our bodies when I started yoga, years ago. Every time I went into a specific position I was overwhelmed with grief for my father, who had died 10 years before!
One thing led to another and I tried to figure out how to remove painful experiences, as I knew I carried a lot. I doubled down to take some serious energy and sound healing schools and emerged to believe relief from suffering can be had by clearing out one’s chakras.
- At January 04, 2017
- By Annie Bond
- In Healing
One of the reasons – if not the reason—that meditation is so rejuventating, is that it helps us sink into an existing spiritual energy system that is designed for our wellbeing. It is the heavy energy of trauma and stress that normally separates us from this vibrancy. A culture that hasn’t included working with this energy system in our upbringing separates us as well.
Healers work in this same energy system, helping to remove emotional blockages and increase the flow of healing energy, of prana, or chi.
Read More»Finding Oneself: The Healer Quest
- At May 25, 2016
- By Annie Bond
- In Uncategorized
Many of us embark on the healing quest because our heart is broken. We are yearning to be whole. We are yearning to laugh and find joy.
In a sense it is the call of the wild. A returning home to who we are. Sensing the form of our trueist nature and wanting to step into that at long last.
It is a spiraling in.
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