The Three Hearts Meditation
- At April 06, 2021
- By Annie Bond
- In Self Healing Series
Here is a profound heart realignment that is perfectly apropos to help us through the cosmic passageway we find ourselves in at this point in time.
The Three Hearts Meditation was given a few years ago to a sound healing teacher of mine, Zacciah Blackburn, by Grandmother Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo, a 27th Generation Wisdom Carrier of the great teachings of the Pale Prophet of Cherokee wisdom, who lived and taught Luminous Body practices 2860 years ago, which spread across North America.
In the meditation you’ll be connecting to:
* The “Heart of the Galaxy,”
* The “Heart of the Earth,” and
Your own human heart.
You’ll align the three. When we do this, Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo says we come into harmony with all life.
Tuning In
First, a bit of preparation. Tune into the Heart of the Galaxy to get a sense of how that feels. Then into the Heart of the Earth. And lastly, into your own heart. Spend a few minutes with each.
For the meditation you will connect to all three of these at the same time and sit with this connection for 10-20 minutes.
After engaging in The Three Hearts Meditation a few times I found the meditation a lot more integrated when I asked my Higher Self to align the three hearts for “me,” and when I did, I felt a significant shift in my heart chakra. I also felt all three hearts. The galaxy was above and the Earth below. What a clearing! What a surge of energy! I feel grounded, clear, energized, in harmony with where I am on the planet, even luminous. Fully present in myself.
The Three Hearts Meditation
Place yourself in a meditative position with your spine straight.
Take a few deep breaths.
Tune into the Heart of the Galaxy, the Heart of the Earth, and your own heart.
Ask your Higher Self to align all three (or ask to be aligned).
Stay connected to all three at the same time.
Sit with this integration for 10 – 20 minutes.
Tim Keys
Hi Annie
I am familiar with The work of Grandmother Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo from her writing of Voices of Our Ancestors back in 1986.
Recently I received a download from A Group of 6 Women Healers who identified themselves with 6 different Trees, dividing the Trees into Three Colors. Which These Guides indicate also match The Colors of these 3 Hearts Blue Galaxy, Green Our Own Heart and Red Mother Earth.
On a personal note, I met you in Rhinebeck some years ago and gave you a healing.You returned the treatment and Flushed out A Demon or Two.I am all clear now Thanks to Many Angels, both Human and More Ethereal, Who Have Facilitated My Clearing.
Best to you, Annie. Love and Light, Tim Keys