Self-Healing with the Sacred Elements
- At April 06, 2021
- By Annie Bond
- In Self Healing Series
A new way of looking at the elements Earth, Air, Water, Fire, and Ether was seared into my brain about 20 years ago when I read The Hathor Material, by Tom Kenyon. Channeling in the Hathors from an “ascended intergalactic civilization,” they told him that the elements are huge, powerful sacred beings who agreed/offered to “hold” their energies here on this planet so that we could exist… .
He channeled them saying, “…your body is a sacred temple, for it is the space in which the four sacred elements of Earth, Fire, Water, and Air/Space offer themselves to you in service.”
I wonder about your thoughts, but this was a mind bending concept for me, and I mulled it over for years and years until honoring the elements came into my healing protocol in an organic way, and then into my personal life as a normal course of events. After all:
We are
72% Water
12% Earth
6% Air
6% Ether
4% Fire
I started connecting the dots between the Hathor’s beliefs and other spiritual leaders, such as this from Sadhguru.
“The simplest thing you can do to change the health and fundamental structure of your body is to treat the five elements with devotion and respect.” – from Inner Engineering, by Sadhguru
Reading Sadhgurus’ thoughts of course captured my attention because there was maybe a path to health here for my clients, if I could just figure it out. I’ve been scouring for more.
In the meantime, as I say, connecting to the elements started coming to me as a matter of course, even to find a centerpiece in my green living work, such as here:
“We are a society craving the real elements. Real earth. Real water. Real fire. Real air. The real elements bring us healing, abundance, and vibrant energy. … Even though the celebration of the elements is creeping into the mainstream consciousness, often synthetic elements, such as petroleum-based candles with synthetic scents, are used, and they are dead substitutes for the real thing. … Our intuition knows nature is where we belong and who we are.” –from Home Enlightenment, by Annie Bond (and learn how to do this with my Greenify Everything app available for free on the Apple and Google Play stores).
AS A HEALER I started inviting the Sacred Elements into healings because I saw how well they help to move energy, release energy, and restore harmony. Imagine, for example, very sludgy energy such as is often found in the second chakra. A lifetime of emotional jam-ups from living in a society that isn’t supportive of our fully processing feelings are stored there. You can just imagine how helpful water is to wash through the sludge, move it. Earth to help ground, etc. I teach healing with the elements in HeartMind Healer School Level I and much more extensively in the advanced training, Level II.
Sacred Element Meditation
A powerful walking meditation
I welcome you to try this on your next walk, and for walks in the future. This is a beautiful way to connect to the natural world around you and it is interesting to feel where the energy goes in your body; you learn about your own personal energy body when doing so.
When I do this Sacred Element Meditation I return cleansed, even with a feeling of purification. I hope the same for you.
Working with the five sacred elements, I try to spend about 1/4 of a mile with each element. If in a hurry you can condense, or if a longer walk, expand. You will learn the invocations by heart soon enough, but start with this on your phone or on a printout.
“I send my love and gratitude to the Sacred Element Earth. I thank the Sacred Element Earth for being with me. I invite the Sacred Element Earth to bring me healing and to magnetize away /down all that can be released. Again I thank the Sacred Element Earth.”
“I send my love and gratitude to the Sacred Element Fire. I thank the Sacred Element Fire for being with me. I invite the Sacred Element Fire to bring me healing and to illuminate and burn away all that can be released. Again I thank the Sacred Element Fire.”
“I send my love and gratitude to the Sacred Element Water. I thank the Sacred Element Water for being with me. I invite the Sacred Element Water to bring me healing and to cleanse, purify, and wash away all that can be released. Again I thank the Sacred Element Water.”
“I send my love and gratitude to the Sacred Element Air. I thank the Sacred Element Air for being with me. I invite the Sacred Element Air to bring me healing and to breathe into, dislodge, and blow away all that can be released. Again I thank the Sacred Element Air.”
“I send my love and gratitude to the Sacred Element Ether. I thank the Sacred Element Ether for being with me. I invite the Sacred Element Ether to bring me healing and to remove all that can be released. Again I thank the Sacred Element Ether.”
Chanting Meditation
“EL” is Earth; “Ka” is fire; “Leem” is water; and “Om” is both air and space)
By chanting the chant of EL-KA-LEEM-OM you are acknowledging the sacredness of the elements, acknowledging the continuum of consciousness from the Source, through its various subtle levels all the way into the Earth itself. You are affirming and acknowledging the Earth as sacred, your body as sacred and your place in the continuum of consciousness, the All That Is, as sacred. – The Hathor Material, by Tom Kenyon
It is specially good to do this chant outside and no less than four times and always in groups of four. Here are two different chantings of El-Ka-Leem-Om. See which you resonate with and listen when you an.
El-Ka-Leem-Om By Maureen J. St. Germain
My preference is this one:
El-Ka-Leem-Om by Dina Arosa Marker
About Annie Bond: Like many healers, I came to the work while on my own healing quest. In the process, I learned that spiritual healing was the key to truly healing myself. Sharing key healing modalities I’ve learned with others is a joy and I have been an energy medicine practitioner and teacher for almost two decades. As a clairvoyant, I see emotional trauma as a blueprint in the energy body, and have developed the Divine Mother healing modality, which focuses on working with the client’s soul for healing. I work with clients all over the world and founded The HeartMind Healer School in 2016.
Yes! I have the 4 elements tattooed on my wrist 🙂
I also have a love for the sacred spiral. I have a shiva shell necklace pendant like the ones in your photos 🙂 I also adore the spiral of a nautilus shell. I would love to be a student of your school. Are you offering it at this time? In gratitude, Sophia