Learn the Lesson of a Chronic Illness
- At November 17, 2019
- By Annie Bond
- In Diary of a Healer, Healing, School, Uncategorized
Diary of a Healer #13, by Annie Bond
As my students know, I explore new healing techniques on myself before integrating them into my practice. Such was the case with a breakthrough I had last week. In the attempt to learn the lesson of a chronic illness I also had a powerful insight about the Law of Attraction.
Being a homing signal for ticks, I have struggled with tick-borne disease for 23 years, ever since the first ticks came onto my land and I succumbed to my first bulls-eye rash. Gratefully, while I have been bit an appalling number of times (I counted 22 bites one year), I have found alternative homeopathic treatments calibrated on Biomeridian/Rife/Zyto – type machines that work for the diseases. Mostly. I still struggle especially with babesiosis, the red blood cell parasite. A very depressing illness because one becomes so very tired.
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