Healing the Inner Parents
- At May 26, 2019
- By Annie Bond
- In Diary of a Healer, Healing, School
We are all born of unhealed mothers and fathers and we become unhealed children. We then internalize these unhealed mainstays as truth. Our energy body becomes deplete where these foundations are incomplete. Many of us spend a few decades trying to stabilize as a result!
Just as a seed needs enough of Mother Earth and Father Sun to sprout and leaf out, so, too, we need enough of the healed inner mother and father to become a healed child and ultimately, our authentic, true self.
Isabelle, a young woman, came to me feeling like she was really stuck in her life. In her job, relationships, personal trajectory. She exuded a kind of radiance, yet threw up her hands saying, “I want abundance in every direction and I don’t know what is stopping me!” She has suffered from depression.
Rips and Tears in Your Energy Field?
- At May 19, 2019
- By Annie Bond
- In Diary of a Healer, Healing, School
You know people like this, even if it isn’t part of your own experience. They pick up the heavy, emotional energy from the people around them; they feel it to their core.
In extreme cases, there is a sense of energetic incoherence. They look like a deer in the headlights and feel overwhelmed and helpless. Such people tend to need a lot of time to themselves to stabilize after being with others. The onslaught is more extreme than if the person is an empath.
Here was a client who was a physical therapist and had to stop her successful business because she brought home her client’s energy and it made her feel lethargic and depressed. Presenting with those symptoms suggested a rip or tear in her energy fields, and I put it on my list to investigate.
Read More»Old Programs Running Your Life
- At May 08, 2019
- By Annie Bond
- In Diary of a Healer, Healing, School
While I am writing here about an issue with Sarah, her name could as easily be Most People.
When we grow up, we are raised to fit into “norms” – of a household, of a grade in school, of a church, of a culture. Some of us have had more control inflicted on us than others, through rules, rigid beliefs, criticism, and even abuse.
I see this “programming” show up in the energy body, including in the following ways:
How Programming Shows Up
1. We build elaborate energetic armature on which to build our personalities. All this personality development is the reality for our ego, one we develop to fit in and survive. This heavy and rigid energy goes through many chakras and has a strong inflexibility. It can take time to dissolve this rigidity, but important on the path to one’s authentic nature.
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