Glossary – Spiritual
for Diary of a Healer, by Annie Bond
(NOTE: I will add onto this as new esoteric vocabulary is used. – Annie)
Chakra: Chakras are specific centers in our energy body and they coincide with, and hold, emotions that resonate with different stages of our consciousness.
Chi: Vital force energy part of any living entity. Also called Qi or just “energy.”
Clairaudience: Attaining information through auditory pathways.
Claircognizance: The ability to have ideas by simply “knowing” the answers.
Clairsentience: The “gut” feeling. The ability to receive information through senses or emotion.
Clairvoyant: Ability to receive mental images or actual events. Receiving information through pictures.
Cord: Etheric emotional energy between two people that tends to reflect an entangled codependency of some sort.
Divine Mother Modality: A good overview is here.
Etheric: A subtle body and consciousness of the human energy field.
Energy Body: Just as we have veins in our body, so we have channels where chi energy flows, and this energy body system consists of chakras, the torus, and more.
Energy Healing: There is an extensive system of energy flow in the body, including through chakras, the torus, and the auric field. The healer works to restore flow.
First Chakra: Focused on safety, security, knowing one’s tribe, feeling the planet wants us.
Heart Chakra: Self-love, unconditional love, joy, compassion. love of other; integrates the lower and upper chakras. A source of a very high and powerful energy that has its own intelligence.
High Heart: Between the heart and throat chakras, you can feel a resonance when you tap it there…the location as well of the thymus.
Higher Self: A person’s spiritual self, as opposed to the physical body.
Left Side of the Body: The yin side, the female side, from the neck down.
Light Body: Your Lightbody is a gridwork of lightand sacred geometry that brings together your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual being. This body radiates light energy and electromagnetically links your multidimensional self with the infinite universe. (Definition from celestialwellspring. com.)
Om Mani Padme Hum: The Tibetan Buddhist mantra associated with compassion.
Past Life: A past life of the soul in another human or non-human body.
PTSD: Post traumatic stress disorder.
Reincarnation: Rebirth of the soul in another human or non-human body.
Right Side of the Body: The yang side, the male side, from the neck down.
Sacred Heart: This is a centerpiece of our energy body between the heart chakra and the thymus gland and a nexus point that can integrate the radiance of our true divine nature with our everyday life as a human on the planet. It is a navigation point along the path to more of our soul’s presence in everyday life. Coming into balance in the sacred heart helps give us a momentum to fulfill the joys of our soul’s mission.
Shamanic: Going into an altered state to see into the unseen worlds.
Solfeggio frequency: Said to make up the ancient 6-tone scale thought to have been used in sacred music.
Soul: The spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal, regarded as immortal.
Soul Retrieval: Retrieving a part of ourselves that split off from ourselves due to trauma
Third Chakra: Personal power in the world, self-esteem, ego. Read more in my chakra chart.
Thought Form: Repetitive thoughts and concepts often show up as an energy that has a life of its own, and can dominate a chakra and even a person’s life.
Throat Chakra: Song of the self, speaking one’s truth, feeling heard.
Thymus: See High Heart, above.
Trigger Point: A strong, negative emotional reaction to something or someone.
Trinity Activations: The infusion into the light body of the healed divine mother and healed divine father aspects of the person’s soul, alchemically birthing in their own divine child, their truly authentic self.
Yang: Male energy, the active, creative principle.
Yin: Female energy, the passive, receptive principle.
Read Diary of a Healer on the site.

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